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Review on: Study the Effect of Fermentation on the Value of Teff Injera [Eragrostis (Zucc.) Trotter]

Belete Tessema Asfaw, Meroda Tesfaye Gari



In Ethiopia, teff is smallest grain used as principal ingredient in formation of injera which is one of the staple foods of the population. It is unique durable crop grown over wide range of environmental conditions and has been utilized as food and supplements to majority of the human diets in Ethiopia. The potential of this grain, as an interesting raw material, for new food product development is due principally to its protein composition which is gluten free and has a high quality amino acid composition. Teff grains can be used in cooking and baking in place of other types of small grains, nuts or seed grain which used for injera preparation, to increase the nutritional and functional quality of injera. It is a fermented, pancake-like, soft, sour, circular flatbread. The main components of teff are protein, ash, fat, fiber, moisture and carbohydrates. Prolamins are the major proteins found in the teff grain. The grain is also rich in iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. Teff has a high content of minerals such as: iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium compared to wheat, barley and oats. It is nutritious as major staple cereals like wheat, rice, oats, barley, and even better in some aspects, containing more calcium, zinc, iron and potassium. They also described teff as being high in dietary fiber the properties of teff and injera have been reviewed. In the preparation of injera, teff flour undergoes fermentation by lactic acid bacteria and yeast. This review was lead to deductions that increasing fermentation temperature was brought in increased titratable acidity and reduced pH of the dough during injera making. Likewise prolonging the fermentation time which increases the acid content of the dough. As well as Increasing the fermentation temperature and time which lead to reduce protein content in injeras. The ash and fat contents of injeras was not affected by fermentation, whereas fiber and carbohydrate was increased.


Keywords: pH, mineral contents, teff injera, sensory acceptability, fermentation, temperature, time

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