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Embryology of Rhizophora mucronata Lam.- A Mangrove Species

Pandey R, Pandey C. N.


The development of stamen initiates prior to the ovule. More than one hypodermal cells transform into archesporial initial cells resulting into multilocellate or septate anthers. The epidermal and endothecial layers of anther are single; while middle layer is 2–3 layered. Endothecial thickenings were also reported in ground cells. Tapetum is single layered and secretory type. The microspore tetrads are tetrahedral, isobilateral and decussate type. The ovules are bitegmic, anatropus and the chalazal megasporemother cell become functional to develop into seven celled embyosac. The three antipodals are towards the chalazal end, egg apparatus is represented by two synergids and one egg cell while the polar cell is bi-nucleated. The vascular connections are well developed. Micropyle is developed by inner and outer integument. Tannin content is very high in staminal and ovular portions.
Keywords: Mangrove, tapetum, microspore tetrad, meiosis, pollen

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