Development and Acceptability Evaluation of Soy Milk Obtained from Soy

Bharti Jain


Whole soybean is processed to make a rich, creamy milk-like liquid called soy milk. It has a unique delicious flavor. Soy milk makes a great substitute for milk, especially for individuals who cannot tolerate lactose (milk sugar). Soy milk is a good source of high-quality proteins, B-vitamins and iron. Soy milk is also a base for the preparation of many dairy analogs such as soy curd, soy tofu, etc. In the present study, soy milk was prepared from soy genotype JS 93-05 because of its high protein content. The main objective of the study was to find out the acceptability of soy milk and to compare the nutrient and cost of soy milk with cow’s milk. The processing of soybean is required to inactivate the anti-nutritional factors, to minimize the unacceptable beany flavor and improve the digestibility of the protein. About 8 L of soy milk can be obtained from 1 kg of dry soybean. To find out the acceptability of soy milk thirty young adult females of 35 to 40 years of age were selected. Acceptability of cow’s milk was 84.17%. Cow’s milk was compared with the acceptability of plain soy milk and flavored soy milk and the results reveled that acceptability of plain soy milk was 69.17% whereas acceptability of flavored soy milk was 83.33%. From these results it can be concluded that acceptability of flavored milk was equivalent to the cow’s milk. Plain soy milk was less acceptable due to its poor taste (33.33%). Results of nutrient content of soy milk revealed that there was not much difference in the protein and carbohydrate content of soy milk and milk. Major difference was observed in fat content of soy milk and this is due to the fact that higher yield of milk is obtained from 1 kg of soybean. Cost of soy milk (Rs. 8/kg) was less as compared to milk obtained from animal source (Rs. 20/kg).


Keywords: Cow’s milk, soy milk, flavored soy milk, anti-nutritional factors, acceptability evaluation, soy genotype

Cite this Article

Jain Bharti. Development and acceptability evaluation of soy-milk obtained from soy genotype JS 93-05. Research & Reviews: Journal of Dairy Science and Technology. 2015. 4(1):   10–14p.

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