New Distribution Record of Five Species of Xylaria from Tripura, Northeast India

Sanjit Debnath, Koushik Majumdar, Panna Das, Ajay Krishna Saha


The present study deals with new distribution record of five Xylaria species from Tripura, North-east India. Out of total five species, X. obovata, X. nigripes, X. multiplex and X. hypoxylon were not reported from entire Northeast India. Present findings revealed a potential check list of Xylaria of the region. It was observed that Xylaria species prefer to grow on dead decaying wooden logs situated on the moist deciduous forest floor. In addition, the present study also examines the toxicity test for all Xylaria species, and found that all five reported species contain toxic components and recommended as non-edible wild mushroom.

Keywords: Xylaria species, wild poisonous mushroom, identification key, habitat, toxicity test

Cite this Article Sanjit Debnath, Koushik Majumdar, Panna Das et al. New Distribution Record of Five Species of Xylaria from Tripura, Northeast India. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Life Sciences. 2018; 8(1): 1–10p. 


Xylaria species; wild poisonous mushroom; identification key; habitat; toxicity test.

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