Complex Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Modelling

Clóves G. Rodrigues, Fabio S. Vannucchi, Roberto Luzzi


So-called “Complex Dynamical Systems” (that is, systems displaying complex behavior) do appear in condensed matter physics and chemistry, as well as, playing a fundamental role, in biological systems. They require a theoretical treatment in terms of “Mathematical Modelling”, with statistical formalisms being of large relevance. We present here a feature-like article describing and discussing the question. It has emphasized the difficult question of presence of hidden constraints, and the introduction of nonstandard statistics arising in the realm of “Information Theory”.


Keywords: Information theory, statistical approach, hidden constraints, nonstandard statistics

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Clóves G. Rodrigues, Fabio S. Vannucchi, Roberto Luzzi. Complex Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Modelling. Research & Reviews: Journal of Physics. 2019; 8(1): 73–82p.


Complex Systems; Mathematical Modelling; Information Theory;

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