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Designing Linked Open Data based Institutional Digital Repository: A Framework for Semantic Web

Sukumar Mandal


Semantic web is increasing in day to day online activities. Linked open data is a core concept in semantic web online environment. Open source software is also an important and inevitable in the field of institutional digital repository. This paper has been selected EPrints software for designing the institutional digital repository. Apart from this it also select the Apache Fuseki Jena open source software based on java. However, the two main purposes are (i) how to display the linked open data in EPrints & DSpace (ii) How to import this linked open data by using the Apache Jena Fuseki for retrieving the linked data among the users as well as library professionals. All the linked data have been display in Apache Jena Fuseki interface. Finally linked data can be display in three ways subject, object, and predicate for managing the linked resources available in Eprints and DSpace. SPARQL end point and RDF query is also possible by using this integrated framework for designing and developing the linked open data based institutional digital repository.

Keywords: Linked open data, DSpace, EPrints, Apache Jena Fuseki, SPARQL, institutional digital repository

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Sukumar Mandal. Designing Linked Open Data based Institutional Digital Repository: A Framework for Semantic Web. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2019; 7(1); 7–15p.


Linked open data, DSpace, EPrints, Apache Jena Fuseki, SPARQL, and institutional digital repository

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