Measuring the Growth of Science through Scientometrics Indicators: A Theoretical Consideration

D C Chhatar


Through this study, one can see that there isn't generally a single parameter that is perfect for surveying the sensible yield and its impact on built-up specialists. Every parameter has its own particular exceptional relationship of factors of interest and limitations. Beside these indicators, there is such a gigantic assortment of contemporary authentic markers i.e. h-index, i-index, g-index, are in like manner being used to inspect the intelligent effect and consistent yield of an individual expert independently. The study coordinates absolutely to the expert about the theoretical examinations and sensible implications of scientometrics pointers in the field of estimating the consistent yield.


Keywords: Activity index, co-authorship index, collaborative coefficient, collaborative index, degree of collaboration, relative citation impact, transformative activity index

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D.C. Chhatar. Measuring the Growth of Science through Scientometrics Indicators: A Theoretical Consideration. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2018, 5(2): 87–90p


Collaborative Index, Degree of Collaboration, Collaborative Coefficient, Relative Citation Impact, Co-authorship Index, Activity Index, Transformative Activity Index

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