Effective Use of Social Media in Libraries

Khaiser Nikam


The article entitled effective use of social media (SM) in libraries deal with different aspect of SM, starting from the pre internet age to Web 4.0. It discusses how the modern libraries can take note of the changing canvas of SM to provide effective library services. Main features of the types of social media such as blogs, Facebook, wikis, etc. is described. The application of theses SM tools for promoting libraries in different libraries is provided. The paper also suggests hoe user interaction and library collaboration can be established in the web based library services era. Also discusses the impact and benefits of Web 2.0 tools to libraries. Library thing, tagging and social book marking tools and their uses are examined. Tagging podcast, RSS feeds are also discussed.
Keywords: Web 2.0, social media, social networking, libraries, effective use

Cite this Article
Khaiser Nikam. Effective Use of Social Media in Libraries. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2016; 3(2): 19–24p.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/joals.v3i2.344


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