Collection, Organization and Proper Dissemination of E-Resources and Services: Role of Librarian

Nakul Chandra Mondal, Pijus Kanti Jana


The information need and information seeking behavior of the users have already changed due to massive development of information communication technology. In the modern digital era, most of the libraries have not only changed their library collection but also changed their services pattern. Most of the private engineering college libraries have started to subscribe the electronic resources. Libraries provide not only collection of e-resources, and their e-services but also proper dissemination of information, fulfill their knowledge about electronic resources and determine the information values in engineering college libraries. The librarians have to play vital roles for adaptation and continuing this process. This article describes an overview of e-resource collection strategy, source and services in engineering college libraries. It also highlights the role of librarian in disseminating e-resources and their services in digital environment.
Keywords: E-resources, collection building, dissemination of e-services, role of librarian

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Nakul Chandra Mondal, Pijus Kanti Jana. Collection, Organization and Proper Dissemination of E-Resources and Services: Role of Librarian. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2016; 3(1): 1–5p.

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