India's Contribution to Women's Studies during 1990–2015: A Bibliometric Analysis

Hydar Ali, Adithya Kumari H, Mahadevamurthy M


Abstract This paper is analysis of 439 articles from India's contribution to women's studies, during the year 1990–2015 are taken up to observe the year-wise growth, authorship pattern, keyword analysis, and sources of publications and top rank organization. Results indicate that most frequently occurred keywords were gender, the highest contributing source title found from the Indian Journal of Gender Studies and among the institutes the University of Delhi contributed highest articles.
Keyword: Bibilometric analysis, women’s studies, feminists, India

Cite this Article Hydar Ali, Adithya Kumari H, Mahadevamurthy M. India's Contribution to Women's Studies during 1990-2015: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2016; 3(1): 50–55p.

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