Information Transfer Chain in LIS Professionals

K Rajaram, S Jeyachitra, BS Swaroop Rani


Every scientist forms a link in information chain. On one side, he receives information on scientific advances in his field and allied fields for which he has an interest. On the other side, he processes results of his own experiments and put into circulation for the benefit of other scientists. New scientific ideas create a chain reaction among scientists. They test the validity; try to identify the potential areas of application; and conduct research for furtherance of the theory or principle. The results of testing, exploitation and elaboration by fellow scientists are received by the generator of the idea with interest and eagerness. On assimilation, he may come out with new hypothesis of new deduced laws. Thus, the chain continues in a spiral fashion. Mr. D.J. Maltha is of the opinion that the information transfer chain in the past is different from the present one in many ways. In the same way the future chain will have many distinct and differentiating features with that of the present one.
Keywords: Information chain, generators of information, storage of information, dissemination of information

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Rajaram K, Jeyachitra S, Swaroop Rani BS. Information Transfer Chain in LIS Professionals. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2015; 2(3): 18–23p.

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