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Declining of Human Values in Today’s Generation

Aayush Pareek, Garima Kachhara, Anuj Mishra, Eklavya Eklavya, Gaurang Joshi


Human values are the core of human beings, which include love, honesty, truth, peace, faith, friendship, loyalty, and so on. The following research is directed at determining the amount of humanity present in today’s new generation. As in today’s generation, the values of humanity are decreasing. It is a huge obstacle for the future of society that the new generation is losing human values. People of the new
generation are losing the basic human ethics, which must be present in every single person in society, but the new generation is getting toxier and toxier, losing their honesty, telling lies and lies only, losing humility and kindness, becoming intolerable to everything, and losing patience. The methodology used in this article is data collected from secondary sources like magazines, newspapers, books, articles,
journals, and so forth. The findings of the research show that decreasing humanity is due to lack of spending time with parents; they are unable to pass on these values to their children as they are working for their family the whole day long. This new generation can be easily misled by small influences. Human values and basic ethical and moral values can be instilled in the next generation by teaching them about human values in schools or colleges. Only after this society will grow up and become a good society.


Generation, humanity, misdemeanor, moral values, intolerable, toxier, human ethics

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