Federated Search Systems Employed in Different Libraries: An Overview

Taufat Hussain


The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of federated model of information search and retrieval, and to explore various federated search products employed in different libraries. Limited search of literature was carried out by employing search terms as “federated search”, “cross-search”, “metasearch”, interoperability and digital libraries-federated search in various nationally and internationally reputed databases and a collection of literature on federated model and search products was identified and retrieved. The recognition of literature related with the aim of study was followed by a thorough analysis of it in order to draw inferences regarding the purpose of this study. Federated search tools can be sustainable alternatives to general search engines in searching relevant information and filling a gap established by general search engines like Google, if equilibrium is maintained between the challenges and promises presented by these systems by both vendors and clients. The study is an attempt to contribute various aspects of federated model of information search and retrieval in libraries.
Keywords: Federated search, cross-search, metasearch, interoperability, academic libraries

Cite this Article:
Hussain T. Federated Search Systems Employed in Different Libraries: An Overview. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2015; 2(1): 57–62p.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/joals.v2i1.398


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