Intellectual Freedom and Censorship

Bassey Ben Akpan, Bassey Samuel Akpan


In the present scholastic world, intellectual freedom is an important issue. In this paper, different variables which are influencing intellectual freedom have been talked about alongside endeavors that should be made with a specific end goal to make access to information feasible to all. The issues being confronted primarily by librarians concerning the protection of private information of the library clients have additionally been discussed in this paper. Moreover, the article concentrates on the essential parts that can be played by the librarians in managing and instructing the general public concerning the best possible utilization of information.

Keywords: Intellectual freedom, information, library, human right, democracy

Cite this Article Bassey Ben Akpan, Bassey Samuel Akpan. Intellectual Freedom and Censorship. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2018, 5(1): 33–40p. 

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