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Theoretical Calculation of Franck-Condon Factor and Dissociation Energy of Lithium Hydride Li7H1 and Li7H2 Molecule

Dhia Hamdi Al-Amiedy


A theoretical spectroscopic study of isotopes of Lithium Hydreid Li7H1 and Li7H2  molecule for the electronic transition B1Π−X1Σ+ systems has been carried out such as, a calculation of Franck-Condon factor has been carried out by using numerical integration for the vibrational band v'=0–4 to v"=0–4 of the electronic transition B1Π−X 1Σ+ and it was found that the values of Franck-Condon factor for Li7H1 are higher than that of Li7H2 molecule. Besides, the dissociation energies for both ground and excited states have been calculated. It was found that the values of dissociation energies of the electronic excited state X had larger values than that of ground electronic state B.



Franck-Condon factor, ground state, excited states, electronic transition, dissociation energy

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