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The Aqueous Solution of Antibiotics Norfloxacin for Total Protein Contents in the Fifth Instar Larvae of Silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) (Double Hybrid Race) [(CSR2XCSR27)] x [(CSR6XCSR26)].

Aarti Sanjay Dhumal, Pragati Pramod Shinde, Vitthalrao Bhimasha Khyade


The quality of food material supplied decide the quality of silky cocoon spun by the larval instars of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L). The present attempt deals with utilization of aqueous solution of Norfloxacin for treating the leaves of mulberry, Morus alba (L). Two concentrations of Norfloxacin were selected for the attempt. Two concentrations of Norfloxacin include 50 mg per liter (50 ppm) and 100 mg per liter (100 ppm). The solution was prepared by adding powder antibiotic in distilled water and made the required concentration. 400 ml of aqueous solution of Norfloxacin were used to treat 100 grams of leaves of mulberry, Morus alba (L) for feeding the group of hundred larval instars for each attempt of feeding.  Treated mulberry leaves were fed to the fifth larval instars. The feeding the larvae with treated leaves was carried for first four days. Four feedings were given for each day. For each feeding hundred grams of leaves (for the group of hundred larvae) were used. The larvae fed with untreated control & water treated control leaves were also maintained. Through the use of silk glands; fat bodies and haemolymph, bioassay of total protein was carried out on fifth day. The total protein content of silk glands; fat bodies and haemolymph was found improved 61.519 to 114.667; 79.928 to 90.055 and 30.983 to 31.010 percents respectively through feeding the fifth instars of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) (Double Hybrid Race) leaves of mulberry, Morus alba (L) treated with aqueous solution of  Norfloxacin antibiotics.


Antibiotic Treatment, Norfloxacin, Growth of silk gland, Bombyx mori L.

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