Impact Of Pesticides On Human Body Due To Soybean Farming In The State Of Madhya Pradesh
Worldwide, agricultural areas, including the Sehore district of Madhya Pradesh, India, are growing concerned about pesticide pollution. This research aims to determine the extent and effect of pesticide pollution around the region's soybean Farming. In the Sehore district, soybean is an important agricultural product and a revenue generator for the Government. Pesticides are used extensively to control pests and illnesses which could harm the soybean farm. The study used various of methods to determine the presence and quantity of pesticides in the agricultural environment, including field surveys, the collecting of water and soil samples, laboratory analysis, and statistical modeling. The study further looked at potential places of contamination and their impacts on soil health, water bodies, and human health. Initial research shows that soybean agricultural operations frequently use pesticides, such as herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. In other instances, food products were also found to have these pesticide residues. This contamination puts human health and the ecological balance at risk. The study highlights several risk factors that contribute to pesticide contamination, such as improper handling and application procedures, a need for more information among farmers regarding appropriate dosage and time, and a lack of awareness of safer substitutes. The results also highlight the importance of adopting integrated pest control and sustainable agriculture methods to reduce the adverse consequences of pesticides on the environment and human health. In conclusion, this study reflects the most critical problem of pesticide pollution brought on by soybean cultivation throughout area Sehore in Madhya Pradesh, India. The study emphasized the need for immediate action to implement entire methods, including regulatory bodies interventions, encouragement of sustainable farming practices, and training and education initiatives to reduce pesticide-related environmental concerns while preserving the area's ecological integrity.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/jomcct.v14i3.3822
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