Assessing the Growth and Productivity of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Different Fertilizer Management Practices Grown under Conventional System in Kavre, Midhill of Nepal
A field experiment was conducted during rainy season of 2016, to evaluate the effect of different fertilizer treatments on growth and productivity of rice grown under conventional system in Kavre district at farmers’ field. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) involving seven different fertilizers management practices viz. Nutrient Expert Recommended Chemical Fertilizer (NPK), FYM (Farm Yard Manure), TP (Titepati), SOM (Shakti Organic Manure), GM (Goat Manure), UD (Urine Drenching) and FFP (Farmer Fertilizer Practice) with four replications. The results revealed significant difference in the terms of plant height, effective tiller m-2, filled grains panicle-1, grain and straw yields and sterility percentage. The highest rice grain yield (4.568 ton ha-1), straw yield (11.28 ton ha-1),effective tiller m-2(369.1), filled grains panicle-1 (71.25) and lowest sterility% (20.45%)were obtained from NE recommended chemical fertilizer followed by TP, SOM, FYM, FFP, UD and the lowest grain yield (2.35 ton ha-1), straw yield(5.05 ton ha-1), effective tiller m-2(215.0) ,filled grains panicle-1 (47.75) and higher sterility% was obtained from goat manure and concluded that NE-rice recommendation is the best followed by green manuring of Titepati in conventional rice production of Mid-hill agro-eco-zone of central Nepal.
Keywords: Conventional system of rice, Growth, Productivity, Nutrient Expert Fertilizer Recommendation, Yield
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M. Subedi, S. Kandel, A. Shrestha et al. Assessing the Growth and Productivity of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Different Fertilizer Management Practices Grown under Conventional System in Kavre, Midhill of Nepal. Research & Reviews: Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 2018; 7(2): 13–16p
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjoast.v7i2.1298
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