A Review on Importance of Radioisotopes & Radiotracer Techniques in Agriculture
Radioisotopes and Radiation have various applications in agriculture such as mechanism of photosynthesis, plant protection, nutritional studies of trace elements, plant metabolism, and fertilizer uptake, ions motility of soils and food and plants preservation. Radioisotopes provide us the opportunity to solve the problems which once were difficult in the growth and nutrition of plants and evolution of new species of crop by developing genetic variability. Nuclear scientists and technologists are revealing the secrets of various agriculture problems, which could have been possible with old methods. Scientists are developing many radiotracer techniques which are used for killing the insects which damage the food grains and crops. Radioisotopes are also used for determining the function of fertilizers in different variety of plants. In agriculture application of radiation techniques for the development of new varieties of crop has the highest global economic value. In the current study importance and application of Radiotracer techniques are discussed briefly for the agriculture welfare.
Keywords: Radioisotopes, Radiotracer, Agriculture, Fertilizers, Applications.
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Hinal Prajapati, Ankit Agrawal, Arun Kumar Gupta. A Review on Importance of Radioisotopes & Radiotracer Techniques in Agriculture. Research & Reviews: Journal of Agriculture Sciences and Technology. 2020; 9(1): 1–9p.
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