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Optimization of Variety-Vermicompost dose Synchrony on the Yield Traits of Hybrid cabbage (Brassica oleraceaevar. capitata L.) Varieties

Anteneh Asfaw Akimew, Betewulign Eshetu Ademe, Ghualam Hassan Shah


A season long field experiment was carried out to quantify the superimposing effect of varied vermicompost doses on the yield traits of selected hybrid cabbage (Brassica capitata var. L.) varieties during November 2018 to April 2019 production season. The treatments consisted of four vermicompost doses;0, 1.5, 2 and2.5t/h and three hybrid head cabbage varieties; K-500 F1, Landini F1 and Bandung F1 laid out in 3x4 factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD with three biological repeats. The statistics has indicated that head weight, head diameter, marketable yield, unmarketable yield, total head yield and gross yield at P<0.05 were significantly affected by the interaction effect of variety and vermicompost doses. The largest head weight (1367gm), the highest head diameter (14.62cm), the maximum marketable yield (547qtha-1), the maximum total yield per hectare(549qtha-1)and the highest gross yield (786.4qt/ha) were recorded by the plots that received the interaction of Landini F1 head cabbage variety with along with 2 tha-1 vermicompost dose. The partial budget analysis however, indicated that although the interaction of Landini F1 hybrid head cabbage variety with 2ton ha-1 vermicompost dose had resulted in a pronounced net benefit, it was accompanied with highest total production cost compared to the interaction of Bandung F1 hybrid head cabbage variety along with  1.5t ha-1 vermicompost dose  which in turn  resulted in a prominent marginal rate of return.


Head Cabbage Variety, Vermicompost, Yield traits, Variety Vermicompost Synchrony

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