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Assessment of Smallholder Cassava Farmers’ Market Participation Intensity in Delta State, Nigeria

Robert Awotu Egware, Grace Oghenerobor Alufohai


The study assessed the decision and level of participation in the cassava market by smallholder farmers in Delta State, Nigeria. It focused on such specific objectives as to describe the socio-economic characteristics of smallholder cassava farmers in the study area, determine the level of market participation by smallholder cassava farmers, determine the factors that influence market participation by the farmers and identify the constraints the farmers face in the process of participating in the market. Data were elicited from 460 smallholder cassava farmers in 9 out of the 25 local government areas of Delta State. Data obtained were analysed using Double-Hurdle Model. Analysis showed that the number of years in school (P <0.10) among others significantly influenced the decision of participating in the market. Also, the intensity of market participation behaviour in the region was significantly influenced by the size of the household (P <0.10), total annual household income (P <0.05) and others. 


Cassava, Double-hurdle model, Intensity, Market participation, Smallholder farmers

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