Leaf Analysis in Citrus: Recent Development
This article encompasses nutrient diagnosis through leaf analysis and leaf nutrient composition. The corresponding leaf nutrient values expressed in % were: N (2.23–2.49), P (0.10–0.11), K (1.86–2.12), Ca (2.12–2.32), Mg (0.28–0.38), and in ppm Fe (148.2–179.8), Mn (72.2–84.8), Cu (10.4–18.6), and Zn (24.2–38.8) representing eight states viz., West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, and Manipur. Nutrient constraints in the form of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc through leaf nutrient diagnostics tools were diagnosed. It finds a due place in the region's fertilizer program of mandarin orchards to obtain sustainable optimum fruit yield. While through leaf analysis in Manipur, DRIS indices revealed different nutrients to be ordered as zinc < phosphorus < calcium < magnesium < nitrogen < potassium < iron < manganese <copper.
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