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Performance evaluation of improved White-Fleshed Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) Varieties for yield and yield-related traits in South Western Ethiopia.

Wondimu Yonas, Fikadu Ejigu, Andualem Gadisa


Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is one of the most important root and tuber crop that rich in
vitamins, starch, protein, and the carbohydrate of sweet potato was easily soluble with in short period of time.
To break the food security problem several sweet potato technologies have been introduced and evaluated in
different areas of the country. Still, adaptation and performances of improved white-fleshed sweet potato
varieties were not yet assessed in the southwest region. Since this research project was initiated to evaluate
the adaptability of improved white-fleshed sweet potato varieties based on their yield performance and test
preference in southwest Ethiopia. Across three locations, six improved white-fleshed sweet potato (Ipomoea
batatas L.) varieties namely: Awassa-83, Temesgen, Beletech, Belela, Kudade, Wondogenet with one local
variety were evaluated by using a randomized complete block design with three replications for two seasons.
Analysis of all collected data were done by using the R software, and quality preference of seven varieties
were evaluated by using five testpreference parameters. Combined analysis of variance indicated that the
main effects due to environments, and Varieties were highly significant on tuberous root yield. The
contribution of Environments and Varieties to the total variation in tuber yield was about 65 % and 6.3 %,
independently. Over all environments, Awassa 83 variety gives best yield (46.1 t ha -1 ). In addition, there was a
significant difference between the varieties in test preference, the best test preference was observed from
variety Awassa-83 which also gave significantly the highest storage total root yield. Since, the variety
Awassa-83 was recommended for production under the rain-fed condition of Southwest Ethiopia in the
Gimbo, Yeki, and Gura-Ferda districts.


Adaptation, Evaluation, Location, Yield, White-Fleshed, Variety

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