A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
P.R., Arya, Sanatana Dharma college,Alappuzha (India)
Pal, Neha
Panara, D. M.
Panda, Darshan
Pandey, K.C. Pandey
Pandey, Laxman
Pandey, Lokendra
Pandey, Neha
Pant, Shyam Sundar
Parayil, Chitra, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, Kerala, India (India)
Parihar, A. K. S.
Parthasarathi, T.
Parthasarathi, Theivasigamani
Parveen, S. Isha
Paschapur, Abhilasha
Patel, C. V.
Patel, K.C.
Patel, KC
Pathak, P.K., Director of Extension Education, Department of Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam, India
Paul, Sreyashi
Pednekar, Shweta
Phookan, D. B.
Pokharel, S., Tribhuvan University (Nepal)
Pore, Jui
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ISSN: 2278–2206