Different Weeds Management Practices Adopted by Growers under Different Cropping System in Punjab, Pakistan
Weeds are major constraint to low production and are responsible for considerable yield loses in field crops. Weeds are hardy and vigorous in growth habits consume the large amount of water and nutrients causing high losses in production. Different physical, chemical and biological methods are being used in Punjab for the control of weeds. In physical control method manual or mechanical power are used to remove the weeds depending on species, growth habit and crop situation. Herbicide is common method used in Punjab and all over the world to control the weeds. Chemical control is the option of integrated weeds management. But it is not considering environmental friendly method due to their side effects for beneficial insect like (Lady beetle, Assassin bug, Earwig etc.). Present study concluded that majority of farmers used traditional methods for control of weeds in Punjab Pakistan. The review of the past studies concluded that illiterate farmers are used those control measures which are cheap full and could be easily available. It was suggested that Pakistani government should provide training sessions to farmers and extension field staff for effective control of weeds. Extension departments should provide printed material materials for illiterate farmers in native languages. Agricultural department should provide subsidies on agricultural implements and give interest free loan to farmers for proper weeds control. Agricultural universities in Pakistan should focus on biological control of weeds considered environment friendly method for the welfare of humanity.
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