On Farm Performance Evaluation of Faba Bean Varieties in the Highlands of Gurage and Siltie Zones
Faba bean is the major food security crop in Ethiopia. Even though there is potential agro-ecology in the study area for faba bean production, the yield is still lower. On farm performance evaluation of faba bean varieties are important to increase faba bean production and productivity in the study area. The experiment was conducted in three districts namely, Gumer, Geta (Gurage zone) and Alicho Wuriro (Siltie zone), Southern Ethiopia, during 2016 and 2017 crop production season. Dosha, Moti, Gebelcho, Tumsa, Hachalu and local varieties were used in this experiment. Tumsa, variety was shown highly significant variation among other five varieties across location for yield. Tumsa, Local and Moti were preferred by farmers. Therefore, based on statistical analysis and farmer selection Tumsa variety should be distributed in the study area to increase their production and income.
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