A Review on Cucumis melo
Cucumis melo is commonly known as muskmelon or sweet melon and most widely cultivated and used around the world. It belongs to Cucurbitaceae family. It is an annual climbing or creeping herb. It is a vegetable food item and used as one of the main ingredient in various dishes. This fruit is totally 85–90 percentage water. It also contains various chemical constituents like terpenes, phenols, phenolic acids, saponins, tannins, flavonoids (quercetin, rutin, kaempferol), steroids, triterpenoids, glycosides and alkaloids. Its medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory activity, antidiabetic activity, antioxidant activity, antifertility activity, antiulcer activity, anticancer activity, antifungal activity, hepatoprotective activity, antibacterial activity and diuretic activities.
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