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Quantifying Hybrid Head Cabbage (Brassica oleraceae var. capitatal) Yields in Response to Varied Vermicompost Dose

Anteneh Asfaw Akimew, Betewulign Eshetu Ademe, Ghualam Hassan Shah


A field experiment was conducted with the objective of investigating the promotive role of varied Vermicompost doses in filling the Yield gaps among selected of Head cabbage (Brassica oleraceae var. capitatal) varieties. The experiment was carried out during November 2018 to April, 2019. Four vermicompost doses;0, 1.5, 2 and2.5t/ha were applied over the hybrid head cabbage varieties and laid out in a 3x4 factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Results indicated that head weight, marketable yield, unmarketable yield, total head yield and gross yield were significantly (P<0.05) affected by the effect of vermicompost levels. The largest head weight (963gm, 1010gm and 100.2gm), the maximum marketable yield (385.3qtha-1, 404qtha-1 and 400.9qtha-1), the maximum total yield (388qtha-1, 408.5qtha-1 and 403.2qtha-1) was recorded by the head cabbage varieties K-500 F1, Landini F1 and Bandung F1 respectively whereas; the minimum unmarketable yield (221kg/ha) and the highest gross yield (652qt/ha) was recorded by Landini F1.


Head Cabbage, Vermicompost, Yield traits

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