A Review on Psidium Guajava
Psidium guajava is an evergreen shrub belongs to Myrtaceae family and commonly known as guava. It contains phenolic compounds and acts as anti-oxidant properties as well as immunostimulant. It has a higher number of vitamins and minerals. Every part of this plant contains various phytochemicals like quercetin, rutin, kaempferol, gallic acid, epicatechin, ursolic acid, glucosides, guavanoic acid, guava coumaric acid, saponins, terpenoids are present. It shows various pharmacological activities like antioxidant activity, antihypertensive, hepatoprotective activity, anti-cancer activity, antidiarrheal, wound healer, gastrointestinal problems and antiplaque agent. Guavas are a good source of fibre in the diet. Guava leaf extracts reduced blood sugar levels, long-term blood sugar management, and insulin resistance in several test-tube and animal trials. This leaf extract has been shown in test tubes and animals to slow or stop the development of cancer cells. This is most likely due to the high amounts of strong antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage, which is one of the leading causes of cancer. The fruits are processed into by-products that can be fed to cattle. The leaves can also be utilised as a source of food for animals. Mainly the flavonoids compounds are extracted from this plant by using various extraction processes for prevent the growth of certain microorganisms.
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