Pre-extension Demonstration of Improved Bread Wheat Technology in Gurage and Silte Zone, Southern Ethiopia
The study was conducted in Silte Zone of Sankura Woreda and Gurage Zone of Mareko Woreda. The objective of the study was to demonstrate, the best performing bread wheat technologies based on grain yield performance and farmers’ preference. In each Kebele, one FTC and five farmers (3 male and 2 female farmers) were involved during ‘’meher’’ season of the year 2022/23. Training was given for the selected farmers and other stakeholders. Providing full packages of bread wheat technology-variety Wane and Standard check were demonstrated in both Woreda. Plot size 0.25 ha per one variety was used and seeds were planted at a rate of 100 kg/ha in all fields. The recommended rate of NPS (100 kg/ha) and UREA (100 kg/ha) were used. The spacing between plots and row was 1 m and 20 cm by drilling respectively. Field days were organized; farmers evaluated and selected the best performed varieties depending on their criteria's set. The criteria were earliness, tillering capacity, spike length, tolerance to diseases and grain yield. During farmers’ selection process both female and male farmers had been incorporated so as to avoid gender bias. The result showed that variety Wane was the best yielder with grain yield of 45 qtl/ha and 42 quintal per ha; grain yield of standard check was 39 and 33 quintal per ha at FTCs and farmers farm in Sankura Woreda respectively. While grain yield of variety Wane was 41 quintal per ha and 39 quintal per ha; grain yield of standard check was 35 and 32 quintal per ha at FTCs and farmers farm in Mareko Woreda respectively. Therefore, based on the farmers’ criteria and grain yield performance, variety Wane selected as first followed by Standard check in both Sankura and Mareko Woreda were recommended with its full packages for further pre-scaling.
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