Cluster Based Improved Bread Wheat Technologies Popularization In Yem-Special District, Southern Ethiopia
Despite large area under cultivation, the mean yield of wheat per hectare is low.Limited access to improved wheat varieties and other relevant technologies is one of the contributing factor for low productivity. Popularization of better perfoerming wheat varieties is important to solve these problems. Therefore, these studies was undertaken to enhance the productivity of wheat through demonstrating early maturing and high yielding wheat varieties with improved management practices in 2023 Meher cropping season at Yem-Special district, Southern Ethiopia. One kebele was selected purposively based on convenience of the area for the technology. A total of 40 farmers were selected based on clustering approach in collaboration with Kebele Development Agents and District extension personnels for 40 hectares. Before implementing the demonstration, training was delivered for selected farmers, Development Agents and District level experts on advantages and objectives of the demonstration, agronomic practices and crop protection. 40 Quintals of improved seed (kingbird) was provided for the farmers by the Worabe Agricultural Research Center and 40Quintals of NPS and 40Quintals of UREA provided by the farmers. Planting was done by row at seed rate of 100 kgha-1 and spacing between rows was 20 cm. Fertilizer was applied at the rate of 100kg NPS ha-1 and 100kg URE ha-1. Weeding and other management practices were done as required. The crop performed well on all farmers’ field.Field day was organized at maturity stage of the crop. Different stakeholders participated on the field day. Based on the samples collected from representative farmers’ fields, the mean grain yield of bread wheat was 4,390Kgha-1, which is greater than District level productivity (3,500 Kgha-1). Thus, it is recommended that, it is better to disseminate and address to wide areas of community through extension systems with its full packages including agronomic practices.
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