Behavioural Changes among Fadama 11 Project Farmers and Lessons in Agriculture Development of Enugu State, Nigeria
The study analyzed the behavioral changes and Fadama II project farmers and lesson in agricultural development of Enugu State, Nigeria. A structural interview schedule was used in sourcing information from one hundred and sixty farmers using simple random sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed using both, simple descriptive and inferential statistics, namely percentages and chi-square analysis. The result obtained showed that the project farmers were mostly male (95%) and majority have no formal education, 63%. vegetables, yam and maize crop combination was the most preferred crop by the project farmers. The participation of the farmers on the Fadama project made an appreciating impact on the standard of living, income of ownership of Fadama infrastructure, knowledge and adoption of Fadama crop innovation. The farmers who participated developed a positive attitude towards crop production. It was concluded that the project should be extended to all the local government areas of Enugu state.
Keywords: Fadama, crop innovation, Fadama project, project farmers
Cite this Article
Onugu CU, Gbughemobi BO, Okonkwo PC. Behavioural Changes among Fadama 11 Project Farmers and Lessons in Agriculture Development of Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Crop Science and Technology. 2016; 5(2): 17–26p.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjocst.v5i2.630
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