Development and Effectiveness of Lipid–Polysaccharide Conglomerated Composite Edible Coating to Enhance Postharvest Life of Whole Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) var. Ravi

A. Zulfiqar, M. Abrar, A. Din


Lipids can be combined with polysaccharides to create conglomerated composite edible coatings in which the components are interspersed throughout the coating. An experimental lipid–polysaccharide conglomerated composite (LPCC) edible coating was developed from lipids (vegetable oils and resins) and polysaccharides (gum Arabic, CMC). Whole muskmelons (var. Ravi) were coated with LPCC edible coating by spraying method and stored at 12±2 ºC with 90–95% relative humidity. The effectiveness of LPCC edible coating on muskmelons during storage at low temperature was evaluated for 21 days at weekly storage interval on the basis of physical analysis, biochemical analysis, sensory analysis, fungal decay and marketable fruit percentage. Coating of muskmelons with LPCC edible coating effectively slowed down changes as compared to uncoated ones in terms of physical and biochemical analysis. The coated muskmelons had better sensory qualities, better prevention from fungal attack with greater marketable fruit percentage as compared to uncoated ones.


Keywords: Edible coating, conglomerated coating, fresh muskmelon, postharvest quality, shelf life

Cite this Article

Zulfiqar A, Abrar M, Din A. Development and Effectiveness of Lipid–Polysaccharide Conglomerated Composite Edible Coating to Enhance Postharvest Life of Whole Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) var. Ravi. Research & Reviews: Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2018; 7(2): 1–8p

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