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The Role of Nutrition in the growth and development of infants and children W.S.R to complementary foods-A Review Article

Ramen Santra, Sreevisakh T. S


Introduction of complementary foods in the diet can be taken as a turning point in the development of eating behaviour of the infant. As a result of this the commercial utility of complementary foods are improving day by day. These commercial benefits in turn lead to so many fake advertisements and nutritional claims for promoting the products, But the actual nutritional contents in these foods are not authenticated anywhere. The fact is that only balanced nutrition can protect the coming generation from diseases in the current scenario Balanced and nutritious foods should be given to the infant for their proper mental and physical development and also to improve their immunity. Infants should be kept only on breast feeding for up to six months. After that complementary food should be started with breast milk for popper growth and development of infant and children. Food should be fresh and balanced according to the requirements of the individual. Outside food, junk food, packet food, stale food should not be given to the infant.


Growth, Development, Immunity, child health , Nutrition

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