Pharmaceutical Standardization and Preliminary assay of Kokilaksha (Asteracantha longifolia nees.) Ghana
Introduction: Kokilaksha (Asteracantha longifolia Nees.) is an annual herb belonging to the acanthaceae family. In classics, Kokilaksha Kwatha (Decoction) is stated in the treatment of Nidranasha (Insomnia), Vatarakta (Gout), Shoola (Pain) and many more. Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana (five basic preparation) are primary potent preparations of Ayurved pharmaceutics from which several additional preparations are developed as per need of time like Vati (Pills), Avaleha (Lincus), Ghana (Solidified aqueous extract), Kshara (Alkali) and many more. An effort has been undertaken in the current study to prepare Kokilaksha Ghana from Kokilaksha Kwatha. There has been not any research work found on Kokilaksha Ghana. Aim: The aim of present study is to standardize the Kokilaksha Ghana pharmaceutically and assaying the preliminary analytical parameters. Materials and Methods: Three batches of Kokilaksha Ghana were prepared. Observation and finding of pharmaceutical study along with its preliminary assay were systematically recorded. Organoleptic properties as well as physicochemical parameters such as pH, specific gravity, total solid content, water soluble and alcohol soluble extractives, loss on drying, total ash, acid insoluble ash, and total solid content were examined in the raw material, in-process material and final product. Qualitative Phytochemical Parameters of raw material and finished product were carried out. Results: Average yield of Kokilaksha Ghana was 14.1% in contexts to dried material. The average 8.88% Loss On Drying, 12.96% Total Ash, 0.91% Acid Insoluble Ash, 43.60% Water Soluble Extractive, 10.26 Alcohol Soluble Extractive and pH of 5.89. In qualitative phytochemical parameters alkaloids, glycoside, tannin, steroid, saponin and carbohydrate were found. Conclusion: The adopted procedure, pharmaceutical outcomes and data obtained from the preliminary analysis of the present study may be considered as standard for future researches.
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