Role of Unani Herbal Medicine in the Management of Acute Hepatitis (Warm Kabid Haad)
In unani system of medicine acute hepatitis is known as Warm Kabid Haad. Almost all unani physicians described about hepatitis; its etiology, sign and symptoms, prevention and treatment in their classical texts. In conventional system viral infections of the liver are classified as hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses. Hepatitis A is a milder version of the disease, whereas hepatitis D is more severe. Hepatitis is of two types i.e. acute and chronic. Some forms of hepatitis are preventable. Symptoms may not occur until liver damage occurs. Prognosis and treatment of viral hepatitis varies and depends upon causative virus. Use of herbal drugs in the treatment of liver diseases has a long tradition, especially in unani system of medicine. This system is replete with references both on single and compound formulations in the management of jaundice. Various extracts of these drugs were further proved to be anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic and hepato-protective in vitro as well as in vivo studies like Bhui Amla (Phyllanthus fraternus linn), Tuqme kasni (Cichorium intybus Linn), Revand chini (Rheum emodi Wall), Sumbul tib (Nardostachys jatamansi DC), Maku (Solanum nigrum Linn) etc. This review paper gives information on Unani Herbal Medicine in treating various liver disorders especially hepatitis and hepatomegaly.
Keywords: Warm Kabid Haad, acute viral hepatitis, unani herbal medicine, preclinical and clinical studies and management
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Mohammed Nasir, Yasmin K, Role of Unani Herbal Medicine in the Management of Acute Hepatitis (Warm Kabid Haad). Research and Reviews: Journal of Herbal Science (RRJoHS). 2015; 4(2): 9–15p.
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