Growth and Nitrogen (N) Metabolizing Enzymes of Mesophilic and Psychrophilic Heterocystous Cyanobacteria—In Response to Temperature Regimes

Shan Ahamed Tharifkhan, Deviram Garlapati, Darshana Arulraj, Uma Lakshmanan, Dharmar Prabaharan


The increased NR & NiR activity, GS and nitrogenase activities at 25°C and 35°C in psychrophilic and mesophilic organisms indicates that the Arctic isolate is a psychrotolerant as it shows increased enzyme levels than its original temperature in which we isolated the organism though biomass was greater at 3°C. The biomass and enzyme data indicates cyanobacteria are the initiators of primary colonization in polar and alpine environments and are responsible for the nitrogen and carbon incorporation into biosphere. The nitrogenase activity as measured by ARA was high at 37°C mesophilic and 25°C was found to be optimum for psychrophilic. Likewise, NR & NiR was also optimal at 25°C.


Keywords: Arctic, cyanobacteria, glutamine synthetase, nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, nostoc calcicole

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Shan Ahamed Tharifkhan, Deviram Garlapati, Dharshana Arulraj et al. Growth and Nitrogen (N) Metabolizing Enzymes of Mesophilic and Psychrophilic Heterocystous Cyanobacteria—In Response to Temperature Regimes. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Life Sciences. 2018; 8(3): 31–43p


Arctic, Cyanobacteria, Nitrate Reductase, Nitrite Reductase, Glutamine synthetase, Nostoc calcicola.

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