Status of extra-limits migrating avifauna and their stopover in the Gulf of Kachchh, Gujarat
Migratory species, often receive special attention, nationally and internationally, for conservation. A large number of migratory birds regularly visit the Indian subcontinent especially during winter season. The Gulf of Kachchh (GoK) is one of the destinations of migratory birds under Central Asian Flyway, and existence of diverse habitats resulted into occurrence of a significant number of migratory species. In the present study, the entire region of the GoK was explored for the documentation of avifauna. The GoK encompasses an area of around 7,350 km2. A cluster of nearly 42 islands occurs in the southern part. The study was conducted on islands, intertidal and coastal areas. A total of 250 species were recorded, of which 42.4% were Resident (R), 30.4% Resident with Migratory Population (RM) and 27.2% species were extra-limits migratory species (M). In the GoK, number of resident species was also higher but relative abundance of migratory species was significantly higher. The southern part of the GoK is dominated with mainly M as well as RM species whereas the northern part had distribution of mostly R species. Of the recorded species, 19 species of M species were recorded throughout the years considering their major stopover in the GoK.
Keywords: extra-limit migration (M), Gulf of Kachchh (GoK), stopover
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S. Munjpara, K. Joshi, J. Joshi, R. D.
Kamboj, H. Salvi. Status of E xtra L imits
M igrating A vifauna and t heir S topover in
the Gulf of Kachchh, Gujarat Research &
Reviews: A Journal of Life Sciences . 2019;
9(3): 34 41 p.
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