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First record of isolation of hemolymph and identification of hemocytes in a Cyclopoid Copepod

Varadhan Praveena, Sournamanickam Venkatalakshmi


Based on the literature review done it has been noted that it is the first report of observation and identification of hemocytes from Cyclopoid Copepod. The hemolymph sample was taken by a preliminary standard method and hemocytes were isolated and identified under light microcopy using eosin stain. The hemocytes observed were clarified based on the presence or absence and relative size of cytoplasmic granules. Three types of hemocytes were observed and identified as granulocytes, semi-granulocytes and hyalinocytes. The differential counts of hemocytes were carried out in a neubeur counting chamber. The results were recorded as 5-10% small granular hemocytes.


Cyclopoid-copepod, Crustaceans, halinocytes, granulocytes, light microscope

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