Vascular plant diversity in the Nirmala College, Ranchi, India

Indu Kumari


    A year-long eco-biological study of campus of Nirmala College, Ranchi revealed the occurrence of more than 40 species of various vascular plant belonging to family Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Meliaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Anacardiaceae, Rubiaceae, Lamiaceae, Solanaceae, Amaranthaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Apocynaceae. The campus is neatly covered under lush green branches of tall trees. There are about 250 large trees. A total of 45 species of angiosperms were observed. Extensive surveys were conducted to document the species in each season and identification was done with the help of plant taxonomist. Data collection and information on floral diversity of any region is a fundamental requirement to understand ecosystem type and biodiversity pattern.

Keywords: Species, family, vascular plant and campus

Cite this Article
Indu Kumari. Vascular Plant Diversity in the Nirmala College, Ranchi, India. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Life Sciences. 2018; 8(1): 16–18p.


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