Potentials of Carrot (Daucus carota) and Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) Peels as Suitable Mycological Culture Media
Potentials of carrot (Daucus carota) and cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) peels as suitable mycological culture media was investigated in the present study. The method employed for proximate composition involved the spectrophotometric, oven drying and furnace drying method. Standard methods of isolation, characterization, growth rate and antifungal activities were employed. The result revealed that both carrot and cocoyam peels were rich in carbohydrates, protein, ash, moisture and crude fiber contents.The growth of the test fungi on the formulated media revealed that Rhizopus stolonifera had the highest mean growth rate of 32mm on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA);Aspergillus terreus showed the highest growth rate of 15mm on Carrot Glucose Agar (CGA) and Aspergillus flavus and A. terreus were having the highest and also the same growth of 13mm on Cocoyam Glucose Agar (CYGA). Aspergillus niger, A.terreus and R.stolonifera had the highest zone of inhibitions (HZIs) of 26 mm on PDA, 46 mm on CGA and 40 mm on CYGA using ginger ethanol extract while Geotrichum candidum, Candida albicans and Fusarium sp. had the HZI of 22 mm on PDA, 29 mm on CGA and 29 mm on CYGA using garlic ethanol extract. A. flavus, C. albicans, Fusarium sp., A. niger and Cladosporium sp. had the HZI of 18 mm on PDA, 28 mm on CGA and 24 mm on CYGA usingnystatin as a positive control. These findings showed that wastes from carrot and cocoyam can serve as a good alternative culture media for mycological growth and analysis.
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