Studies on the Impact of Vehicular Exhaust Pipe Emissions (from Vehicles Using Petrol and Diesel) on Leaf, Shoot and Root Biomass of Jamun
Air pollution is deteriorating the air quality day by day. Presently, automobile exhaust pipe emission is one of the major contributors of air pollution. The present study was aimed to observe the effects of exhaust pipe emissions on biomass of the plant—Jamun. Jamun plants were given exposure to exhaust emissions from vehicles using different types of fuels in open top chambers for the set duration of time. Determination of dry biomass of Jamun leaves, shoot and root was done for both exposed and control population. A decrease in dry biomass of all plant parts, was observed in all exposed plants with maximum reduction in leaf biomass in those exposed to diesel-using vehicle. Stem and root biomass also showed reduction in exposed population to an extent. Exposure to dangerous pipe emissions results in physiological changes in plants which alters the responses.
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