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Clinical Utility of Black Tea Polyphenols in Chemoprevention and Therapeutics Against Cancer

Girish Rai, Ajeet Singh, Garima Srivastava


Tea is the second-most preferred beverage produced from Camellia sinesis. It is cultivated in more than 30 countries. Several scientific studies have specified that polyphenolic compounds in tea may reduce the risk of a variety of infirmity including cancer. Most of the research evidences are available from green tea but limited information is available from black tea. Several studies have investigated both in vitro and in vivo models including rats, mice, and hamsters. Subsequently these results showed that tea consumption protects against lung, oesophagus, duodenum, pancreas, liver, breast, colon, and skin cancers. Other studies have also shown the preventive effect of black tea consumption against atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, high blood cholesterol concentrations, and high blood pressure. Epidemiological studies and research findings in animal model have shown the chemopreventive potential of tea polyphenols in cancer but clinical utility of tea polyphenols have not been explored yet. From recent past, people are utilising some of the novel strategies to enhance anticancer efficacy of tea polyphenols. In the present study, we intensified that how researchers are utilising the advance pharmacology and pharmacodynamic approach to improve the chemopreventive as well as therapeutic value of tea polyphenols.


Polyphenol, reactive oxygen species (ROS), catechins, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA), theaflavin (TF)

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