Impact of invading fish on native species
The term "alien species" refers to organisms that have been intentionally or unintentionally introduced outside of their natural range. These organisms have the ability to establish self-sustaining populations, spread beyond the initial point of introduction, and have a negative impact on the environment and the economy. Through crossbreeding with closely related native species, these fish with diverse genetic make-up cause the formation of a new group of organisms with different genetic make-up. The introduction of these foreign fish causes an ecological shift by displacing native species and boosting the productivity of the invasive fishes. Along with other ecological irregularities including increased competition, cannibalism, and mortalities, the presence of these invasive species also causes various other ecological problems. Globally, the cost of managing and controlling invasive fish species is in the millions of dollars. You can use manual, chemical, biological, or mechanical control techniques. To select the most effective control measures, consideration should be given to unusual ecological conditions and the biology of the target species.
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