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Documentation of Leaf Curl Virus Resistance Sources in BARI Released Tomato Varieties and Lines

Hafizur Rahman, A. Akter, M.S. Akhter


An experiment was conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jamalpur, Bangladesh during rabi season of 2022-23 to identify noble sources of resistance in BARI released Tomato varieties/lines against leaf curl viruses. The evaluation of forty-six Tomato genotypes was performed against Tomato Leaf Curl Viruses (ToLCV) under natural conditions where the viruses were transmitted by white fly. However, ToLCV-infected plants ranged from 6.25 to 39.58% in the study. Thirty-four varieties/lines resulted in >10-30% ToLCV infection (MR), 5 varieties/lines exhibited >30 to 50% ToLCV infection (MS) and 7 varieties/lines exhibited 1 to <10% ToLCV infection (R). Plants that were likely ToLCV resistant ranged in percentage from 60.42 to 93.75. Comparatively, 5 varieties/lines indicated 60–70% ToLCV apparent resistance, while 12 varieties/lines showed 70–80% ToLCV apparent resistance. More than 80% of the ToLCV apparent resistance was generated by 29 varieties/lines. BARI Tomato-16 variety produced the maximum fruit yield (84.10 t/a), followed by the BARI Hybrid Tomato-5 (81.28 t/ha), the BARI Tomato-19 (81.23 t/ha), the BARI Tomato-14 (80.86 t/ha), the BARI Tomato-9 (81.20 t/ha) which were statistically at par. BD-10950 lines (10.33 t/ha) produced the least amount of fruit. Different varieties and lines with minimal ToLCV infection have higher fruit yields, indicating that they are most likely resistant to the infection.

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