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Green synthesis of zinc oxide and copper oxide nanoparticles and their effect against wilt fungus, Fusarium udum.

Geeta Rautela, Rose Rizvi


Nowadays nanoparticles (NPs) come out as powerful tools to enhance crop production and protection. Biosynthesis of NPs has a vital role and an alternate to chemical and physical methods because it is simple, easy, eco-friendly, and free from chemical hazards. Zinc oxide (ZnO) and copper oxide (CuO) NPs were synthesized from leaves extract of Lantana camara (L.) and Nerium oleander (L.) and characterized by using several techniques such as transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), UV-visible spectroscopy, and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). ZnO and CuO NPs were synthesized from the leaves extract of Lantana camara (L.) and Nerium oleander (L.) respectively. ZnO NPs and CuO NPs exhibited an inhibitory effect against the wilt fungi, Fusarium udum. Different concentrations of ZnO NPs (50µg/mL, 100µg/mL, and 200µg/mL) and CuO NPs (20 ppm, 50 ppm, and 100 ppm) were tested against the wilt fungi. Both the nanoparticles, ZnO NPs, and CuO NPs inhibited the growth of Fusarium udum but in dose dose-dependent manner. Results revealed that the growth of Fusarium udum was inhibited by various concentrations of ZnO and CuO NPs but significant reduction occurred at 100 µg/mL in ZnO NPs and 100 ppm in CuO NPs respectively. Overall, ZnO and CuO NPs positively reduced the growth of Fusarium udum. Therefore, the implementation of biosynthesized ZnO and CuO NPs could be considered eco-friendly and effective agents for crop protection as compared to chemical fungicides.

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