Study of DFIG with Rotor Excited Through Inverter and Method of Efficiency Maximization
In order to extract maximum power output from a DFIG or Doubly fed Induction Generator, maximum mechanical power must be extracted from wind turbine and the losses must be minimized. As the wind speed is not fixed, in order to get maximum power and minimum losses, the d-axis and q-axis rotor currents I*dr and I*qr are controlled according to the changes in wind speed. In this research, Genetic Algorithms are used in order to determine optimum rotor current to extract maximum power and minimize losses according to the speed variations. Genetic Algorithm has ability to provide operating point for individual objective functions unlike analytical method which requires two functions to determine operating current which makes GA more suitable for real-time operation. Core Loss component is added in the study for higher accuracy in the results.
Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, DFIG, Efficiency, Wind Turbine, Steady State.
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Apoorv Surana, Sandeep Banerjee, Vinit Pathak, Vishal Gupta. Study of DFIG with Rotor Excited Through Inverter and Method of Efficiency Maximization. Research & Reviews: Journal of Physics. 2020; 9(1): 51–56p.
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