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Unearthing the Mysterious Properties of Dark Matter through Astrophysical Studies

Shreya Singh, Saksham Singh


The nature and characteristics of dark matter, which makes up a sizeable fraction of the universe's stuff, are yet unknown.. Astrophysics plays a crucial role in understanding the mysteries surrounding dark matter, as it provides observational evidence, theoretical frameworks, and computational tools to study its effects on cosmic structures. This article reviews recent advancements in astrophysical observations and theoretical modeling aimed at unraveling the nature of dark matter. Observational investigations have produced strong evidence for the existence of dark matter, from galactic to cosmic scales. Measurements of galactic rotation curves, gravitational lensing, and large-scale structure formation all point towards the presence of a non-luminous, gravitationally interacting substance. Astroparticle experiments, such as direct and indirect detection methods, have been instrumental in probing
potential dark matter candidates, complementing astronomical observations. Theoretical frameworks, such as the Cold Dark Matter paradigm, have successfully reproduced the observed large-scale structure of the universe and the distribution of galaxies. However, the precise nature of dark matter particles and their interactions with ordinary matter remain open questions. Various particle physics models, including weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), axions, and sterile neutrinos, have been proposed as potential dark matter candidates. Astrophysical simulations have played a crucial role in testing these models and predicting the distribution of dark matter on different scales. This article discusses the ongoing efforts to study dark matter through a multidisciplinary approach combining astrophysics, particle physics, and cosmology. It highlights the importance of upcoming observational facilities, such as large-scale galaxy surveys, high-energy particle detectors, and gravitational wave observatories, in shedding light on the nature of dark matter. Moreover, it explores the role of astrophysical simulations and numerical modeling in unraveling the complex dynamics of dark matter halos and their interactions with baryonic matter.


Dark matter, Astrophysics, cosmology, Astro particles, axions

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