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A Review of Moving Plane Method for Traversing Dimensions: Applications in Astrophysics

Archana S. Shirsat, Dinkar P. Patil


In this paper, we study applications of the moving plane method, and a brief review of this method is conducted. In astrophysical investigation, the Moving Plane Method (MPM) has proven to be an effective method for navigating the multidimensional landscapes of space. We give a summary of the MPM, its theoretical underpinnings, and its uses in astrophysics in this review paper. We demonstrate how the MPM has transformed our knowledge of celestial events, from the dynamics of galaxy structures to the large-scale evolution of cosmic structures, using a variety of examples. We also talk about the MPM's future possibilities and existing problems in improving astrophysical research.


The Moving Plane Method, Symmetric Solutions, Boundary Value Problems.

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Research,AIP Conf.Proc.2451,020075-1-020075- 10(2022). AIP Publishing 978-7354-4211-5/s30.00



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eISSN: 2321–2837