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Revolutionizing Watershed Management and Implementation: A Geo-Informatics (GIS)-Based Approach in Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand

Prema Kaira, Jyoti Joshi, N. C. Pant


For all life on Earth to survive, water is an essential resource. Concern should be expressed about the poor preservation and management of water resources, especially in developing countries. For analysing and assessing any watershed's
geomorphological aspects, GIS is helpful. GIS is currently employed in its proof of identity, mapping, evaluation, administration, analyses, evaluation, techniques, and planning in various areas that include alternate methods of land use, and the selection of sites for structures to collect water for a watershed. This is because the tool allows the integration of thematic knowledge (land use, slope, drainage, and soil) with social and economic and other collateral information (like population, soil depth, weathering, well, and crop inventory). This study examines several GIS-related topics related to mapping watershed development, including base maps, geological maps for determining the types of rocks and soil, elevation, rainfall information, and the linkages between the watershed basin's physiography, land use, and the makeup of the population. Chemical concentrations of substances, primary and secondary stream monitoring, and some traditional resources for water (Dhare, Naule, Kund, Taals, and Chal-Khal) are what shape the Sai watershed area's strategies for drinking water production, hydropower generation, agricultural irrigation, fisheries, animal husbandry, and water conservation. Finding spatial patterns and different changes within the watershed area is the most crucial use of GIS in watershed management. Finding geographic trends and various modifications within the watershed's boundaries is the most crucial use of GIS in watershed management. Crop classification, rainfall, surface water inventory, mapping, conservation, finding and monitoring water percolation tanks, excavated ponds, check dams, rainwater harvesting, and watershed management techniques are some of the other uses for it.


Watershed management, GIS, Water conservation and Surface water.

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